How SEPTIFIX FIXES All Your Septic Tank Issues Saving You A Small Fortune Every Year!

I know this may sound farfetched to you, and even impossible, but it's what thousands of septic tanks owners throughout US are experiencing after using SEPTIFIX every month!

People like John or Cathy...

"I started using Septifix tabs after I saw the wonders it did at my brother's house.

My septic tank was failing and the stench around it was so unbearable, that I was ashamed to welcome guests even though we have such a beautiful garden surrounded by trees...

Even my grandkids hated to come visit as my daughter - their mom - was not allowing them to play near the septic tank because she was afraid they could get sick.

And since the cost of a repair was just not an option, I bought 2 boxes of Septifix tabs... Enough to last for a year!

I followed the directions... and took into consideration the size of my septic tank, so I started with 3 tabs down my toilet!

After 3 days only, the smell was gone! The standing water over the cover of the septic tank was gone in about 5 days.

Now, one tab of Septifix per month makes my septic tank work perfectly and my grandkids can now play through my whole garden!

I am very happy and grateful as a septic tank repair would have cost me thousands of dollars!"

John C. Los Angeles, CA

"After building our house far away from sewers, we had to learn how to deal with a septic system.

We were using bleach and other similar products, so when we finally had the tank pumped, we were told there were a LOT of solids and even clogs through the system...

And that we needed to do a septic tank treatment before they came back in about six months.

Thanks God they also told us about Septifix!

And after a 3 tabs start, we continued with one tab down the toilet monthly, and we stopped using bleach products.

When the septic service company came back, they were really impressed with the condition of the tank and told us that pumping was not needed...

We will definitely continue to use Septifix!

Paying a little for it is well worth the savings we'll realize by having the tank pumped less often.

Not to mention the fact that Septifix is helping us avoid more significant performance problems with our septic system."

Kathy M, Stowe, Vermont

We have hundreds of testimonials like these ones coming to our support email daily, and before I'll share more of them with you, allow me to share...

What SEPTIFIX Tablets Are, Why and How They Can Help You Solve ALL Your Septic Tank's Problems For Good!

SEPTIFIX tabs are septic tank treatment tablets that are solid, environmentally safe, and OXYGEN releasing.

After you flush them down your toilet, they will easily solve all your septic tank's problems!

Once they reach your septic tank, they:

  • reduce, then eliminate noxious odors (the smell) extremely fast - in just three to five days!
  • break down and eliminate all organic sludge from septic tanks, including natural oils, grease and organic hydrocarbons.
  • destroy all the bad anaerobic bacteria like e-coli or salmonella and other harmful pathogens which are usually found in septic tanks and can cause many health problems to your family.
  • prevent back-ups, and clogs, and all other associated problems in septic tank systems, including corrosion.
  • reduce, and in many cases, eliminate the need to have your septic tank pumped!

By using SEPTIFIX you will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each year, because your plumbing will run smoothly and you won't have to worry about calling the pumpers or a plumber for a fix!

Plus, you'll help protect the environment, because all the water that goes out from your septic system into the environment will be 100% clean and free of chemicals and pollutants.

How and Why We Created SEPTIFIX?

Everything started in 2014...

One of our founders Richard V., was the owner of a plumbing company, with over 200 employees.

He was doing business in 9 states, making huge profits helping septic tank owners with cleaning, pumping, installing, repairs and maintenance of their septic tanks.

But after seeing that so many of his clients were spending even over $10,000 to have their septic tank system repaired... because of bad maintenance...

He decided to do something and help his clients prevent problems in their septic tank systems!

Especially since Richard hated the stench that was created each time his clients had their septic tank pumped...

So, in partnership with a prestigious university, he hired a team of 14 scientists who worked daily for over 3 years to develop the formula behind our SEPTIFIX tablets...

With an investment of over $1.5 millions in research, their hard work finally paid off and they were able to create The #1 Septic Tank Treatment On The Market: SEPTIFIX!

Each of our 55 grams tablets contains 14 strains of aerobic bacteria - over 10 billion bacteria strains per gram, oxygenation and pH regulating compounds that safely and effectively boost the growth of bacteria colonies inside your septic tank, allowing them to thrive for up to 90 days.

That's why if you use SEPTIFIX, your septic tank will stay clean for longer periods of time compared to all other septic tank treatments.

When our tablets get in your septic tank, they dissolve slowly releasing sodium carbonate and oxygen - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet.

The oxygen in form of small bubbles disperses throughout your septic tank, while sodium carbonate acts as a buffer on the water, bringing it to a neutral pH.

The released oxygen reacts immediately with the waste substances that are inside your septic tank and reduces, then slowly eliminates the smell - in just 3 to 5 days.

At the same time, all bad anaerobic bacteria like e coli or salmonella which form in your septic tank together with other harmful disease causing pathogens, and can cause many health problems to your family are destroyed!

In the meantime, the live bacteria from our SEPTIFIX tabs feed with all the residues that are inside your septic tank, including toilet paper, oils, grease and soaps, leaving your tank clean, thus reducing and in many cases, even eliminating the need to have your septic tank pumped.

Yes, many of our clients never have to call the expensive pumpers again, saving hundreds of dollars each year!

Our SEPTIFIX tablets also prevent corrosion of pipes, tubes, pumps, valves, by neutralizing the acids that occur naturally in wastewater.

Plus they eliminate all clogs that occur inside your septic tank, so you can be worry free knowing that you'll never have back-ups as your septic system is running smoothly!

SEPTIFIX contain  no harsh chemicals, require no special handling and are non-toxic and 100% safe to use, and are manufactured in our premium facility here in US, so rest assured that you'll get a premium quality product!

So Why Is SEPTIFIX Way More Efficient Than Any Other Septic Tank Treatment?

✔️ Our tablets raise oxygen levels throughout the volume of water 75% more than with manual aeration, allowing the live bacteria to thrive for up to 90 days in your septic tank.

As far as we know, SEPTIFIX is the only oxygen releasing septic tank treatment available on the American market!

✔️ The Oxygen is released immediately - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet, and it reacts with Hydrogen Sulfides (the smells), eliminating all unwanted septic smells after just a few days.

✔️ SEPTIFIX remaining ingredients will neutralize the pH of the waste water which, when combined with high oxygen concentrations, results in an ideal environment for our aerobic bacterial strains to thrive.

That's why Septifix' effect on your septic tank system is much longer and much faster than any other septic tank treatment on the market.

✔️ The technology used inside our SEPTIFIX tabs, enables our tablets to imbed within the sludge layer and treat the entire volume of water from the bottom up, soon after they have dissolved. And so, ALL your septic tank gets cleaned.

✔️ Because each of our tablets contain over 10 billion aerobic bacteria strains (which is almost 3 times more than all our competitors), this ensures mass reduction in grease build up, sludge, clogs, and all harmful pathogens - like e coli or salmonella, which can form in your septic tank and can cause many health problems to your family are destroyed!

✔️ Also, all offensive smells are eliminated after just 3 to 5 days!

✔️ Our SEPTIFIX tablets reduce, and in most cases even ELIMINATES the need to pump your septic system, allowing you to save at least $300 every year!

✔️ And they help you prevent all possible problems in a septic tank system.

So Far, Over 21,374 Septic Tank Owners Are Worry Free Because Of SEPTIFIX!

Yes, ever since we launched SEPTIFIX, over 21,374 septic tank owners from US have been using our tablets every month, and 87% of them are repeat buyers and have already bought at least twice from us!

They are all worry free because their septic system is running smoothly, plus they are preventing all possible problems!

People like Michael or Jason...

"Septifix is really amazing! I can't believe I don't need to call the expensive pumpers anymore!

Our house was built in 1989, so the tank and leaching fields are 33 years old...

I've never had any problems with the system as I've always had the tank emptied annually to prolong it's life, but I hated the fact that I was paying almost $500 every year to pumpers!

When I started using Septifix in 2019, and was promised that I will never have to call the pumper again, I was so happy because both me and my wife are retired and on fixed incomes!

Septifix is so easy to use! I just put one tab in my toilet in the first of every month, and that's all the treatment my septic tank needs!"

Michael P. , Brevard, FL

"I have been using Septifix every month since January 2019!

For the first time, I used 3 tabs according to the instructions on the package, but now, every month I just put 1 tab down my toilet and that's it!

And I can't believe how efficient these small tabs are, as before Septifix, I used to have my septic system pumped out every 12 to 14 months.

The last time my septic system was pumped out was Sept 2018, but I still have no need for it to be emptied.

Since it used to cost me about $450 every time I got it pumped out, the savings is huge, especially with Septifix' 18 months package!"

Jason L., Quincy, MA

"I live in an older house and have had many problems with our plumbing.

First, our septic tank and drain field were clogged with grease and stuff, and Septifix saved a call to the plumber.

We used in two toilets and within a few days, we were back flushing with no backup into the tub or the shower.

Secondly, we had constant odor issues in the area where our septic tank is located.

While other products I've tried just seem to mask the odor, Septifix have gotten rid of the actual source of the odor as there was no more smell after just 4 days.

Septifix works better than any other product we have used thus far. I won’t buy anything else but Septifix!

I like that it’s sustainable and works like a charm!"

Charles D, Boston, MA

"For many years I have had my septic tank pumped annually and before using Septifix, the tank had 3, 4 or more inches of solid waste on the top that had to be broken through by the pumpers to start pumping our tank.

And at the bottom, there was always thick sludge that was pumped only by moving the pump hose from place to place.

After only a few months of using Septifix, the difference compared to past years was like night and day.

There was no solid waste, not even at the bottom of the septic tank.

Instead of pumping every year, I will be pumping every other year or even longer after seeing the great results after just a few months. Septifix pays itself through less pumping!

I would and will recommend Septifix to all my friends with septic tanks!

Paul A., Greensboro, NC

Here's How Fast SEPTIFIX Has Cleaned This Septic Tank!

As you can see in the video below, in just 3 weeks, 3 tabs of SEPTIFIX have cleaned this septic tank - all the solid waste was completely eliminated and the tank is running smoothly!

Most People Have No Clue THIS Happens Inside Their Septic Tanks...

In 2015, The Department of Health estimated that 31% of the septic tank systems in US were failing to some degree.

And that has been identified as the number one groundwater contamination factor in the US.

There are three types of bacteria always present in a septic tank system.

  • aerobic bacteria, which is the good bacteria that helps break down waste.
  • anaerobic bacteria - they are less efficient at breaking down solids - in fact they hardly do any work inside your septic tank and they are typically carriers of disease.
  • fecal coliforms

Aerobic bacteria (our bacteria) need oxygen to survive and that's why many septic tank systems have aerators, even though aerators come with a huge cost of over $10,000 for instalment, and a yearly electricity cost of over $100.

Anaerobic bacteria do not require oxygen to survive and according to the new scientific research, they are an indicator that pathogens like typhoid, e-coly, salmonella, and cholera, even viruses, like those that cause polio and Hepatitis A, may be present in your septic tank.

These dangerous pathogens from septic systems can contaminate groundwater, and if they somehow flow back into your home or close to your garden through the drain field, your family can get sick.

In 2009, eight houses in Swan's Island, Maine experienced a Hepatitis A outbreak. An infected family spread the virus to 8 other households.

The contamination occurred because the family's malfunctioning septic system diverted waste water with Hepatitis A virus in the ground. One individual died!

Luckily for you...

The billions of live aerobic bacteria inside SEPTIFIX, with the help of the oxygen released by each tablet, destroy all these pathogens and viruses by neutralizing the waste water from your septic tank...

Keeping your family, your neighbors and the environment SAFE!

With the help of SEPTIFIX, your family can enjoy your beautiful garden without any risk!

To Test If These Claims Were 100% True...

Many independent laboratories have tested our SEPTIFIX tablets...

And they found that the quality of water released into the soil by septic tank systems using SEPTIFIX on a monthly basis was better than the one achieved in most advanced municipal treatment systems.

In other words, that water was so clean that it could be released even in rivers or streams... which made us really proud!

SEPTIFIX Works For Everyone Who Uses It!

Even a stay-home mom was able to flush our tablets down her toilet and unclog her septic tank in just a few days. Watch Kate's story below!

Dean is relieaved that Septifix has unclogged his septic tank and now, his grandkids can play without stress.

Start Using SEPTIFIX So Your Septic System Runs Smoothly and You'll Save Hundreds Every Year!

I am sure that by now, you know that SEPTIFIX is THE SOLUTION to all your septic tank's problems, and you’ll finally be able to enjoy your beautiful home together with your family without worrying about the smell around your septic tank, or how much money a plumber would charge you for pumping your septic tank or to fix possible problems!

But let me ask you something...

How much would complete piece of mind about your house be worth to you?

In fact, you know what, let’s only assume that SEPTIFIX will only help you reduce your pumping frequency from yearly to once every 2 years

You start using SEPTIFIX and instead of paying $400 per year for pumping your septic tank, you only pay them every 2 years, and thus you save $400 :-)

How would that make you feel?

But what if the promise that we make to you actually does come true?

What if actually your septic tank system will run smoothly and NEVER AGAIN you'll have to sense a bad smell coming from your septic tank?

And never again you'll have to worry about calling the pumpers or expensive plumbers to fix possible problems like backups, clogs or corrosion, which you know that occur in at least 30% of all septic tanks?

Would you be able to enjoy life more together with your family if you had complete piece of mind

Considering that SEPTIFIX has already been validated by over 21,374 septic tank owners from US who happily use it every month, and that we invested over $1.5 millions in research to develop it, it shouldn’t be surprising that we considered pricing it at $299 for a year's supply.

That’s almost half of what you’d spend yearly for pumping your septic tank, and almost free considering how effective SEPTIFIX is, and that you'll save thousands because never again you'll run into problems with your septic system!

But we will not charge you that much…

In fact, we decided to price our SEPTIFIX tabs at only $99 for 6 months supply, which is 50% off what you'd pay for pumping every year!

But TODAY we are having a huge discount!

And when you…

Choose the 18 Months Package of SEPTIFIX, Today...

You only pay $49 for 6 months supply!

Which is under $9 per month!

Allowing you to save up to $150 on your order!

I think that we can both agree that complete piece of mind about your septic system, and being able to enjoy your garden with your family without any smells

And knowing that they are 100% safe from disease causing pathogens that are found in septic tanks....

Would be worth much more than under $9 per month!

We Made A Great Deal With Our Three Suppliers...

And thanks to it, you’ll get a nice discount on the twelve and six months supply options as well!

Now, your savings will not be as big, but you’ll still save a lot of money while making your septic tank run smoothly without smell, clogs, back-ups or corrosion!

And don’t worry...

Because you will never be billed again, unless you decide to place a new order of SEPTIFIX!

We hate those companies who have automatic billing set up, more than you do!

However, if you want to take advantage of today’s discount, you need to order right now because we may increase our price as soon as tomorrow as our suppliers have been complaining for months that the live bacteria together with the oxygenation and pH regulating compounds used in SEPTIFIX are becoming harder and more expensive to source.

Save $150 By Choosing the 18 Months Supply Package Below Or Whichever Package Works Best For You!

Claim Your Exclusive Offer While Stocks Last!



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$99 $69 per box


Total : $69

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$99 $59 per box

Total : $118

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Try SEPTIFIX On Us And If It Doesn’t Work You Pay Nothing!

I hate paying for something that doesn’t work, and I am sure you do too!

That’s why, if SEPTIFIX doesn’t work for you, or you are simply unhappy with the results you experienced and expect to get on your septic tank system…

Just let us know…

And we will send you a refund with no questions asked!

This way, you’ll have no risk as you’ll pay only if you get the results you wanted!

So, don’t delay!

Get the 18-month supply of SEPTIFIX so your septic tank runs smoothly and you have complete piece of mind for at least 18 months… and will only cost you under $9 per month!

Or try whichever package you think its best for you!

Save $150 By Choosing the 18 Months Supply Package Below Or Whichever Package Works Best For You!

Claim Your Exclusive Offer While Stocks Last!



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You will get a confirmation email from us, plus your order will be shipped to your door in 5 to 7 days business days.

Of course, we also have a small support team that is here for you 24/7, so if you have questions about your order, you can always reach out!

You Can Get SEPTIFIX ONLY Here on Our Website!

Because SEPTIFIX contains over 10 billion bacteria strains per gram (which is almost 5 times more than our competitors), oxygenation and pH regulating compounds - a unique mixture that has never been produced before…

The only way to get access to the most effective septic tank treatment on the planet is to buy it from our website!

Please don’t fall for the septic treatments you can find online or on your local Home Depot or Walmart store

Because they are not effective on the long run!

Since they don't release oxygen and they contain almost 5 times fewer live bacteria compared to SEPTIFIX, the smell always comes back because most of the live bacteria they contain will die!

They lack the powerful combination of live bacteria, oxygenation and pH regulating compounds that made SEPTIFIX, simply the best septic tank treatment ever created!

So, the only way to get SEPTIFIX is here on our website!

This way, we have completely cut out the middleman and we can give you huge discounts and help you save a lot!

Get the 18-month supply of SEPTIFIX so your septic tank runs smoothly and you have complete piece of mind for at least 18 months… and will only cost you under $9 per month!

Or try whichever package you think its best for you!

Save $150 By Choosing the 18 Months Supply Package Below Or Whichever Package Works Best For You!

Claim Your Exclusive Offer While Stocks Last!



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$99 $69 per box

Total : $69

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If you are still here, I am afraid our time together is coming to an end…

Now You Have Two Options That Lead to VERY Different Outcomes!

Option #1 is to not use the information I gave you on this page and to have your septic tank continue running like it used to.

You will have to call the pumpers every year and pay them $400-500 for pumping, and you'll continue to sense the bad smell coming from your septic tank.

Of course, you'll also worry daily about your septic system because you know that if you'll have back-up, clogs, corrosion or issues with your drain field, it will cost you thousands of dollars to fix them!

Of course, I don’t want this for you!

Option #2 is to take the easy way out!

Take advantage of all the hard work the scientists behind SEPTIFIX have already done...

Remember that over 21,374 septic tank owners people have their septic systems running smoothly because they are using SEPTIFIX every single month!

And 87% of them are repeat buyers because they love our tablets!

And all you have to do to be one of them is to flush one tablet down your toilet every single month, and the powerful combination of live bacteria, oxygenation and pH regulating compounds will clean your septic tank and eliminate all smells, while preventing all problems before occurring!

Instead of being ashamed of the smell that's coming from your tank, you'll have piece of mind and you'll enjoy your house with your family like never before!

And The Good News Is That… We’ll Be Here To Guide You Every Step of the Way!

Yes, after you take the first step... and you order SEPTIFIX...

We'll always be there for you!

You can write us any time at support@septifix.com and we will promptly reply and guide you every step of using our tabs inside your septic system so that it runs smoothly!

And remember, you’re always backed by our 60-day 100% money back guarantee...

Which means you have nothing to lose...

Only a smoothly running septic system to gain!

And if you get the 18-month supply of SEPTIFIX, so your septic tank runs smoothly and you have complete piece of mind for at least 18 months… it will only cost you under $9 per month!

I’m so confident that you’ll love how fast Septifix will eliminate odors and clean your septic tank that we are prepared to back up your investment with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the next 60 days. Start using Septifix when you receive it at your home in a few days. All odors will be eliminated in 3-5 days after you flush the first tablet down your toilet. This is the first sign it’s working. Next, you’ll see that you won't have to call the expensive pumpers anymore, plus you'll have piece of mind knowing that your septic tank will run smoothly. Your order is fully secure, encrypted and safe. It’s also covered by a rock solid 60 day guarantee. If at any point during the next 2 months following your order, you are less than satisfied with Septifix, contact us using the links at the footer of this page and we will refund your order.

Save $150 By Choosing the 18 Months Supply Package Below Or Whichever Package Works Best For You!

Claim Your Exclusive Offer While Stocks Last!



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How Does SEPTIFIX Work?

When our SEPTIFIX tablets get in your septic tank, they dissolve slowly releasing sodium carbonate and oxygen - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet.

The oxygen in form of small bubbles disperses throughout your septic tank, while sodium carbonate acts as a buffer on the water, bringing it to a neutral pH.

The released oxygen reacts immediately with the waste substances that are inside your septic tank and reduces, then slowly eliminates the smell - in just 3 to 5 days.

In the meantime, the live bacteria from our SEPTIFIX tabs feed with all the residues that are inside your septic tank, INCLUDING toilet paper, grease and oils, leaving your tank clean, thus reducing and even eliminating the need to have your septic tank pumped.

What are the benefits of using SEPTIFIX?

After you flush our tabs down your toilet, and they reach your septic tank, they:

✔️ reduce, then eliminate noxious odors (the smells) extremely fast - in just three to five days!

✔️ break down and eliminate all organic sludge from septic tanks, including natural oils, grease and organic hydrocarbons - which are the cause of clogs in your septic system.

✔️ prevent back-ups, and clogs, and all other associated problems in septic tank systems, including corrosion

✔️ reduce, even eliminate the need to have your septic tank pumped!

✔️ By using SEPTIFIX you will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each year

✔️ You'll have complete piece of mind because your septic system will run smoothly and you'll never again have to worry about possible problems!

How Is SEPTIFIX Better Than Other Septic Tank Treatments With Bacteria or Enzymes?

✔️ As far as we know, SEPTIFIX is the only oxygen releasing septic tank treatment available on the American market, allowing the live bacteria in our tablets to thrive for up to 90 days in your septic tank.

✔️ The Oxygen is released immediately - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet, and it reacts with any Hydrogen Sulfides (smells), eliminating all unwanted septic smells after just a few days.

✔️ SEPTIFIX's other ingredients will neutralize the pH of the waste water which, when combined with high oxygen concentrations, results in an ideal environment for our bacterial strains to thrive.

That's why Septifix' effect on your septic tank system is much longer and much faster than any other septic tank treatment on the market.

✔️ The technology used inside our SEPTIFIX tabs, enables our tablets to imbed within the sludge layer and treat the entire volume of water from the bottom up soon after they have dissolved. And so, ALL your septic tank gets cleaned.

✔️ Because each of our tablets contain over 10 billion aerobic bacteria strains per gram (which is almost 3 times more than all our competitors), this ensures mass reduction in grease build up, sludge, clogs, harmful pathogens and offensive smells.

✔️ Our SEPTIFIX tablets reduces, and in most cases even ELIMINATES the need to pump your septic system, allowing you to save at least $300 every year!

Will SEPTIFIX really work for me?

We are confident that you’ll love how fast Septifix will eliminate odors and clean your septic tank.

Start using SEPTIFIX when you receive it at your home in a few days. All odors will be eliminated in 3-5 days after you flush the first tablet down your toilet. This is the first sign it’s working.

Next, you’ll see that you won't have to call the expensive pumpers anymore, plus you'll have piece of mind knowing that your septic tank will run smoothly and you'll have no backups or clogs in your system because the bacteria will eat all organic waste.

We have over 21,374 happy clients, and over 87% of them are repeat buyers, and we are sure you'll join them!

What if SEPTIFIX doesn't work for me?

We’re very confident that you’ll love SEPTIFIX as over 87% of our clients return to our website to order more tablets.

However, if SEPTIFIX is less than satisfying for you, feel free to contact us directly to request a prompt refund of your purchase.

You are fully covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

How many units of SEPTIFIX should I order?

The longer you use our tablets in your septic system, the less you'll have to worry about smell, back-ups or clogs , or calling the expensive pumpers!

This is why we recommend you to get started with the 12 or 18 months packages.

Sure, you can order a 6 months supply of SEPTIFIX today - and you’ll be so convinced that you’ll be likely to order more.

But remember, we may increase our price as soon as tomorrow as our suppliers have been complaining for months that the live bacteria together with the oxygenation and pH regulating compounds used in SEPTIFIX are becoming harder and more expensive to source.

What's more, you'll benefit from astonishing discounts when you order more TODAY. That's why taking advantage of our 12 or 18 months deals below is the best choice for you.

How fast will I receive my SEPTIFIX order?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using UPS. We will process your order in 24 hours, and you can expect your order to be shipped within 5 to 7 business days. * pandemic may affect postal delivery times.

Is this a one-time payment or will I be re-billed?

All of the options below are one-time charges. You’ll never be billed again!

What do I do now?

Remember, you’re always backed by our 60-day 100% money back guarantee... Which means you have nothing to lose!

Step 1: Decide to get the 18-month supply of SEPTIFIX because it will only cost you under $9 per month!

Step 2: Order NOW by clicking on the ADD TO CART button below.

Step 3: Enter your details on the next page to complete your order.

Then you can relax as our friendly team processes your order, packs it up and sends it to your doorstep in a few short days.

Save $150 By Choosing the 18 Months Supply Package Below Or Whichever Package Works Best For You!

Claim Your Exclusive Offer While Stocks Last!



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$99 $69 per box

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BuyGoods is the retailer of this product. BuyGoods is a registered trademark of BuyGoods, a Delaware corporation located at 1201 N Orange Street Suite #7223, Wilmington, DE, 19801, USA and used by permission. BuyGoods role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product. 'Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.