“She Knew I Wasn’t The Man I Used To Be…”
Discover How This “Sex Drive” Ritual Saved My Marriage From Falling Apart
Without side effects, expensive treatments, or needles…
“Harder! Harder!”
It’s 3 AM.

And my wife is fast asleep.

She’s sleep talking again…

Her toes are curled and her body is squirming with intense pleasure…

Her moaning gets more and more passionate…

Moaning that I haven’t heard for years.

Then, her breathing slows down and settles…
“Oh, Johnny… I haven’t felt THIS good in a long time.”

….My name is not Johnny.

And that night was the first time I realized that I might lose my wife to another man.

Not just any man but a man I knew for years…

The worst part is it happened on the night of our anniversary. See, just a few hours ago, I was sitting on the bed holding an unused condom…

My wife’s knees were bruised from kneeling in front of me for the last 45 minutes and no matter what we tried…

It was the same old story.
Instead of making love to her, I was disappointing her...
Instead of making her feel like a woman, I made her feel like a man.

So can I really blame her for this fantasy affair?

At least Johnny in her dreams can satisfy her better than I can.
Hi, my name is David Morgan. I’m 53, and ever since a few years ago, I lost my edge, and my wife knew it.
If you feel like your energy has been sapped…

Then listen up…

Because what I’m about to share with you may change your life forever.
That night, when she called my best friend’s name in her sleep, I knew our marriage would soon be over.
But I’m glad I had that wake-up call.

Because as you’ll see very soon…

It led me to a discovery that had her fantasizing about me and ONLY me.

And had me going harder…
Lasting longer…
And enjoying sex more than I ever had in my life.

Imagine making your woman go “wow” every time you make love to her.

All without the help of erection pills loaded with heart-stopping side effects.

And without undergoing weird and expensive medical procedures…
In a moment, I’ll share with you this all-natural 10-second ritual that allowed me to reclaim my sex life and, ultimately, my manhood…
I promise it’s nothing you’ve ever heard before.

I know this because Big Pharma has been trying to keep it suppressed for decades…

The reality is that most solutions on the market are band-aids at best for the REAL underlying problem.

And that’s exactly where Big Pharma wants you to be.
Because if you knew the REAL solution, as I’ll reveal in a moment…
It could sabotage the sales of some of their best-selling products…

Like Cialis, Levitra, or Viagra…

Which keeps you docile and hooked like a lab rat.

And even worse…

If you use band-aid solutions like this regularly…
Don’t think for a second that SHE doesn’t know.
Because deep down inside, every woman knows what a REAL man feels like.
Every time you reach for an erection tablet…
Every time you go to the doctor for help…
Every time you find a synthetic way to “get it up”...
She might look the other way…

But deep inside?

The damage is already done.

Here’s the good news.
Today, I’m going to help you put an end to that.
Because as a man who tried everything…

And still couldn’t satisfy my wife…

I know the embarrassment that comes with not having this area of your life handled.
It’s critical that you stick with me until the end of the story because in a few moments…
I’ll reveal how you can reclaim the youthful inner flame you once remembered as a man…

And how this 10-second ritual is so effective that it has already worked for thousands of men…
We get success stories like these every single day.
We get success stories
like these every
single day.
This ritual is proven to work with men who are 40 or 80…
Men with low testosterone or high testosterone…
Men with skinny bodies or dad bodies…
And even men who had been sexually inactive for years.
We’ve seen these men transform from a limp version of themselves to a manly bedroom beast.
But first, let's rewind a little bit to show you where I started and how this can help you…
See, when I was in my mid-40s…

A flame inside me just… flickered out.

And somewhere in the back of my mind…

I forgot what it felt like to satisfy a woman.

I forgot what it felt like to be rock-hard…
I forgot what it felt like to be a man…
And my poor wife…

She went from telling me,
So I coped by pushing these problems aside…

Making weak excuses for why I couldn’t get it up.

Every time my wife got frisky in bed…

I’d tell her…
But deep inside, I was afraid to face the truth…
“Sorry honey, I’m too tired…”
I was a weak, limp shell of my former self.
Our intimacy ground to a screeching halt.

An undeniable gap grew between us.

And although my wife was mine and ONLY mine for 35 years…

I couldn’t help but wonder…

Was she getting her satisfaction somewhere else?
So that night, when she yelled another man’s name in her sleep, I knew it was my duty as a man to do something…
So I started taking erection pills just to keep up in the bedroom…

But it didn’t matter what it was…

The results were only temporary.

And the side effects were awful…

I regularly got splitting headaches and churning stomach aches…

This was not going to work.

So after work, without telling my wife…
I took cabs to meet doctors, psychologists, and urologists…
Any specialist in a 50-mile radius that could help me.

But no matter how many specialists I saw…

They would all recommend some scary treatment.

So after seeing my 15th specialist, I finally caved in.

And tried one of the most common recommendations…
Enter the next guinea pig experiment:
Shockwave Therapy.
The doctors told me that it shocks your penis with electric volts…

In order to spawn new blood vessel growth.

Now, if you’re one of those unfortunate souls who ever tried it…

It feels like 1,000 needles piercing your penis at once.

Equivalent to dipping your penis in battery acid.
And after spending tens of thousands of dollars on treatments like these…
I was worse off than I started. I felt more like Frankenstein than a man…

My wife was still miserable and my marriage was at a breaking point.
But I had one last hope… one final Hail Mary experiment…

They told me the procedure would involve cutting into my penis with a surgical blade…

And then jamming a plastic device into that incision to hold my limp penis up.

There was just one caveat, though…

They said:
Little did I know, he would soon uncover the REAL secret to overcoming low libido and problems in the bedroom.
To protect his identity, I’ll address him as Dr. Weston.

I hadn’t talked to him in over 2 decades, but he was happy to hear from me.

After I told Dr. Weston about the whirlwind of events that happened in the past few weeks…

He surprised me by telling me that he used to have this issue too…

And knew about how horrible the surgery was.

“David, I’m sorry to break it to you…”
“This… erection industry is secretly the addiction industry…”
“Its sole purpose is to keep men like us hooked on medication and continued treatment.”

He continued, “I mean, do you really think it will all be over… after this operation?

My eyes widened.

Dr. Weston continued…
“Here’s the secret… Problems in bed starts in your brain… Not in your body”
My friend Dr. Weston invited me to his office the next day to explain further.

He mentioned that there was a “unique solution” he found that could restore my performance in the bedroom.

So the next morning at 9 AM, I drove up to Dr. Weston’s office.

When I arrived, he revealed the REAL cause of problems in bed.
“If you do this procedure, Mr. Morgan… you’ll never get an erection again on your own…”
“You will have to use this pump”

They handed me an instrument that looked very much like a bike pump.

Seeing that I had no choice, I ended up booking an appointment…

The night before my operation, I decided to call up an old doctor friend of mine from high school to talk about the surgery.
See, for the past 20 years,
Dr. Weston has devoted his life to helping men become men again.
It started when he noticed male patient after male patient who came in with the same problems.
Men who felt like they were aging faster than normal…
Men who used to have boundless energy were suddenly feeling tired ALL the time.
Men who used to have rock-hard abs were now getting dad
beer bellies…
And almost in ALL cases, he discovered these men were having trouble in the bedroom.

It left Dr. Weston wondering why so many of his male patients were linked to these same issues.

He finally realized the root problem years later because of an article by Harvard.
According to this Harvard article, an average, healthy 65-year-old in 2002 had about 15% less testosterone than a similar 65-year-old in 1987.(1)
According to this Harvard article, an average, healthy 65-year-old in 2002 had about 15% less testosterone than a similar 65-year-old
in 1987.(1)
This groundbreaking study also illustrated how the average American man’s testosterone level has been dropping by as much as 1% percent every year.

Here’s what an average male looks like in our 21st century vs a man from the 20th century.

But that’s not all.
According to dozens of studies, low testosterone can cause several issues both inside the bedroom and outside the bedroom.
Inside the bedroom, it’s known to cause low libido and problems in bed.(2)

Outside the bedroom, it’s known to cause loss of strength, obesity, fatigue, and even depression.

After digging through libraries and mountains of historical data…

Dr. Weston finally found the source of why the modern-day man’s testosterone plummets year after year.

It has to do with plastic.
Plastic pollution in the 21st century caused testosterone-blocking chemicals to enter our ecosystem.(3)
Research shows that the plastics in the environment inhibit testosterone function and cause lower testosterone.(4)

That’s because certain chemicals in plastics actually BLOCK natural testosterone processes in the body.

In the 20th century, only a small amount of plastic was produced so the men were not as affected.

But according to the UN, In the early 2000s, the amount of plastic waste we generated rose more in a single decade than it had in the previous 40 years.(5)
This means a lot more of these chemicals are entering our drinking water and disrupting our testosterone-producing processes.
This means a lot more of these chemicals are entering our drinking water and disrupting our testosterone-producing processes.

And since plastics take about 100 to 1000 years to degrade.(6)

There’s virtually no escaping it in our lifetime.

As Dr. Weston studied how these chemicals were causing testosterone to plummet in modern men…

He noticed that the chemical in these plastics were also causing activity levels in the hypothalamus (a core brain function) to plummet.(7) (8) (9)


The Hypothalamus is like the air traffic controller of your body… signaling your body to produce natural, youthful testosterone…(10)
The hypothalamus detects testosterone levels in the body and sends messages to the pituitary gland, to begin producing hormones.(11)

The pituitary gland produces the Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
LH impacts the testes' ability to produce testosterone, which allows for libido and erectile function.
When copious amount of plastic chemicals enter our water supply…

This causes the hypothalamus function to switch off…

Which halts signaling to your testes to create more testosterone.

And as a result, men end up with low testosterone levels.

Wondering whether this is happening to you right now?

Here’s an easy way to tell…
After studying thousands of male patients, Dr. Weston has come up with a 7-point checklist to identify if your hypothalamus function may be switched off.
See if you experience any of these symptoms:
Infrequent erections - You may find it hard to get it up.
Reduced libido - You don’t feel as interested in having sex.
Sleep disorders - You struggle with sleep at night.
Muscle weakness - Your body gets tired faster.
Weight gain - You might have a belly.
Hair loss - You may be experiencing some hair loss.
Depressive symptoms - You have more moments of sadness.
If you checked just 4-5 of these symptoms…
You could be experiencing hypothalamus dysfunction.

In order to reverse this process…

You have to reactivate your hypothalamus.

Because once it’s functioning properly again…

It will signal to your body to create more testosterone…

And restore your manly sex drive and erections.
Dr. Weston knew that he needed to find a way to solve this national epidemic before it got worse.
So he started to direct his focus toward areas of the world that did not have testosterone problems.

During his investigation, strangely enough, one study kept coming up…
A randomized control trial that was conducted 9,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean.(12)
It was conducted by Malaysian researchers…

Who gave the men a mystery root medicine.

And in as little as two weeks, the testosterone levels of these men rose naturally by up to 34%!

As Dr. Weston dug further into the study…

He found that this mystery root activated the hypothalamus of these men.

The question was, what did these researchers give the men?

Upon probing further, Dr. Weston discovered that it was the root of an ancient Malaysian tree.

Also known as the “Malaysian Miracle Root”
Legend has it that the Malaysian Miracle Root kept Malaysian men in their 80s sexually active.
Little did Dr. Weston know that this root would also be the catalyst that allowed men like you to restore their sex lives.

The more he researched the Malaysian Miracle Root...

The more that he found that it was really the answer to reactivating the hypothalamus…

And putting an end to the testosterone-blocking damage that could have been caused by plastic pollution.
Little did Dr. Weston know that this root would also be the catalyst that allowed men like you to restore their sex lives.

The more he researched the Malaysian Miracle Root...

The more that he found that it was really the answer to reactivating the hypothalamus…

And putting an end to the testosterone-
blocking damage that could have been caused by plastic pollution.
Eager to uncover the secrets of the Malaysian Miracle Root, Dr. Weston took a leap of faith and booked a one-way ticket to rural Malaysia.
Dr. Weston brought a map and ventured to the areas where the tree was known to be spotted decades ago…

But it wasn’t easy.

Dr. Weston had to drive a rusty Jeep through several hilly back roads…

And hack his way through a 130 million-year-old rainforest…

But it wasn’t easy.

Dr. Weston had to drive a rusty Jeep through several hilly back roads…

And hack his way through a 130 million-
year-old rainforest…

Which was crawling with spiders and snakes that could kill a grown man in one venomous bite.

And even after days of searching for the tree of the Malaysian Miracle Root…

Dr. Weston was disappointed to see that it was nowhere to be found.
Then, one day as he was walking through a particularly dense area…
Dr. Weston felt a shooting pain in his right ankle.

He quickly looked down to see what it was.

But whatever bit him had already slithered away into the bushes.

In minutes, the world around Dr. Weston got blurry…

The next thing he knew, he dropped to the ground.

And the world around him went dark.


When he regained consciousness, his nostrils were struck with an ancient mixture of incense and herbs…
He opened his eyes to see a Malaysian man dressed in tattered clothes, tending to his leg, which had become swollen.

A neighboring indigenous tribe had saved him.

A tribe whose homes were constructed out of thick,yellow bamboo and covered with roofs of brownish hay.

In the weeks that followed, as his leg healed… Dr.Weston learned to connect with the villagers.

Strangely enough, he noticed that EVERY man in their 60s and 70s in the village were sexually active with their wives.

Not only that, they seemed to have boundless, youthful energy.

What was their secret?
Every person in the village was consuming a crushed yellow root powder daily.
It was in their coffee…

In their soups and in their medicine.

As Dr. Weston consumed this root powder
along with the tribe…
It was in their coffee…

In their soups and in their medicine.

As Dr. Weston consumed this root powder along with the tribe…


He soon noticed that he was mentally sharper…

And surprisingly had more erections during the day.

Dr. Weston knew right then…

This had to be the Malaysian Miracle Root!

So with the permission of the village elder…

Dr. Weston took back some of this yellow root powder for his own patients.
After giving the Malaysian Miracle Root to his patients,
Dr. Weston was shocked to find that most of their low testosterone problems miraculously disappeared…
His patients were feeling as mentally sharp as they were when they were 20…

They were getting strong erections throughout the day…

And every problem they used to have in the bedroom completely disappeared.

Every other day, Dr. Weston was getting emails from his patient’s wives thanking him.

But as Dr. Weston administered the Malaysian Miracle Root to more patients…

Big Pharma caught wind of his actions and suppressed him from giving this treatment.

It was obviously a threat to the pharmaceutical addictive drugs and erection treatments.

And since then, Big Pharma has been closely monitoring Dr. Weston’s clinic.
Dr. Weston unlocked a safe in the corner of the room…
And pulled out a tiny canister with an earthy yellow powder in it and gave it to me.

He explained…

“Mr. Morgan, I can see that this is important to you, so follow my instructions.

“Simply take one scoop of this a day.

“While this will start working for most men…

“And restore your sex life…
And pulled out a tiny canister with an earthy yellow powder in it and gave it to me.

He explained…

“Mr. Morgan, I can see that this is important to you, so follow my instructions.

“Simply take one scoop of this a day.

“While this will start working for most men…

“And restore your sex life…
“To get the full effect, you want to take it for at least 6 months every day.”

When I got home from Dr. Weston’s office that day, I immediately tried the Malaysian Miracle Root powder.

I didn’t really expect much that day since natural remedies notoriously take months to work…
However, I remember very vividly waking up the next morning with a strong tug in my pants…
I immediately looked down to see an erection harder than normal.


I haven’t seen something like this for years.
Within 48 hours of taking the
Malaysian Miracle Root, something unexpected happened…
It was Friday night, and I was having dinner with my wife at a
nearby restaurant.

It was one of those nights where we didn’t have much to say…

She was mostly on her phone, checking emails.

Then suddenly, I felt tingles around my penis…

Something was growing bigger and bigger…

A few seconds later, I looked down and saw a VERY
pronounced bulge.


Then, I heard giggling from another table nearby.

I looked and saw 2 beautiful women looking at me with big smiles on their faces.

“Holy crap,” I thought.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

At that point, it felt like my pant buttons were

going to pop off.

I unzipped and looked down.

I saw a solid rock-hard erection...


Bigger than I’ve seen in many, many years…
I grabbed my phone and quickly texted my wife
She said.
A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

I opened the door to see my wife.

She had her arms crossed.
Before she could finish talking, I pulled her into the bathroom and I started kissing her lips and her neck.

I shut the door behind her and locked it.


“David, are you crazy?!” She said,
My lips curled into a naughty smile.

And I continued kissing her as I moved her hand down to my rock-hard erection.

Her jaw dropped.

“Oh…my…” She said,

…We had a lot of fun in that bathroom.
After dinner, we went home for Round Two.
And the sex was EVEN better.

I experienced an orgasm that I hadn't had in many years.

An orgasm that felt like “the first time ever”.

At one point, my wife stopped me mid-way…

I asked her, “What's wrong, honey? Why did you stop?”

She sat down at the edge of the bed and was just panting…

Between breaths, she said,

“I… need… a minute”

Then she looked at me with a devilish smile and said.

“David…wow… you still got it”


Over the next week, it only got better.
She said I felt thicker and harder than she’s ever seen before.

We’ve been together for 35 years…

And it's the first time she said that.
And 3 weeks after that, I had more sex than I had in the last 3 years!
I had spontaneous erections at work…

Just like a teenager.

My marriage was stronger than it ever was…

And as far as the feeling…


It felt EXACTLY like it did when I was 20 years old...
The sex was primal and full of passion…

I threw her around the bedroom…

She made sounds that I had never heard before…

We fulfilled all our wildest sexual fantasies.

After this experience, she never, ever again said another man’s name in the house.

But that’s not all…

That’s only what happened inside the bedroom…
Here’s what happened outside of the bedroom.
My confidence bounced back…

Female coworkers who used to ignore me…

Sparked random conversations with me.

And the cherry on top?

I had an amazing burst of energy.

I’d work for longer hours and not feel tired.

And after all that, I still had the energy to go to the gym for a workout.
My wife’s girlfriends desperately wanted to know my secret.
After hearing about our lavish sex stories…

And intense nights of passion.

They wanted this SO BADLY with their husbands.

I felt like I had a duty to help them.

So I gave them a bit of Dr. Weston’s powder from the canister and they shared it with their husbands.

The results were nothing short of incredible.
Just a week later, many of my wife’s girlfriends were raving about how this powder single-handedly saved their marriage…

After sharing Dr. Weston’s powder with more and more men and hearing about the marriages that got saved.

I realized that this was bigger than me.
If it wasn’t for the Malaysian Miracle Root, these men would still be going to specialists, flushing thousands of dollars down the drain.
There were good men around the world who needed to know about this.

Good men who deserved to know the truth.

So the next day, I drove back to Dr. Weston’s residence to tell him about the success.

Dr. Weston greeted me with excitement in his voice.

We sat down on his patio.

“David… tell me! How did it go?” he asked.
“Dr. Weston. You saved my marriage with this root.” I said.
“And even the marriage of a few of my wife’s girlfriends.”

Dr. Weston grinned from ear to ear.


I continued, “You need to get this in the hands of men around the world.”
After a lot of convincing, Dr. Weston stood up and shook my hand.

We were going to give it a shot.

But there was one caveat.

See, Dr. Weston is a perfectionist.

And if he’s going to share this amazing all-natural solution with the world…

He wanted to make it the best it could possibly be.
So over the next 6 months, he distilled 20 years of research to create an even more powerful formula
See, after studying libido and problems in bed for decades…

He had identified 2 other natural blends that worked hand-in-hand with the ancient root…

Each of these blends is designed to work in harmony with the Malaysian Miracle Root to banish libido and problems in bed faster than ever thought possible…
Blend #1: Pasak Bumi
The “Malaysian Miracle Root”
In the modern day, almost 40 percent of men ages 45
years and older have low testosterone.13

As we know now, it has a lot to do with the testosterone-
blocking chemicals entering our water.

Pasak Bumi (the Malaysian Miracle Root) is the secret to
reversing this process.
It’s so powerful that scientific studies claim Pasak Bumi can be a natural alternative for men considering TRT. (14)
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study…

105 male subjects aged 50–70 years were given Pasak Bumi for 12 weeks.(15)

The results were nothing short of incredible.

It was as if someone had turned their internal biological clock backward.

Their testosterone naturally skyrocketed.
And they looked, moved, and felt younger.
If it wasn’t for the Malaysian Miracle Root, these men would still be going to specialists, flushing thousands of dollars down the drain.
This is all because Pasak Bumi is focused on producing testosterone through the activation of the hypothalamus - the air traffic controller of testosterone in your body.(16)

Clinical studies also show that the longer you take Pasak Bumi, the more powerful it becomes.

In a 6-month study, researchers confirmed that taking Pasak Bumi for this long…

Caused men to have an even better erectile function and higher natural testosterone levels.(17)

That’s why we recommend taking HimEROS for a full 6 months to reap all its benefits.

And even though Pusak Bumi alone is responsible for single-handedly restoring your drive and your erections…

The sheer power is really maximized with this next blend here.
Blend #2: Alholva + Urtica Dioica
The “Testosterone Maximizers”
Few men know that there are two types of testosterone.

“Total” testosterone and “Free” testosterone…

Free testosterone is the bioavailable 18 stuff that travels around your body and works its magic.

Yet only about 3% of your testosterone is “Free”. (19)

This means up to 97% of your & "Total" testosterone is lying dormant and stuck in various proteins
in your blood. (20)
The Malaysian Miracle Root works hard to get your body more natural testosterone…
But its effects are even stronger when it’s paired with these ancient “testosterone maximizers”

Alholva and Urtica Dioica.

The use of Alholva dates back 6,000 years and has been used by the Ancient Egyptians as a medicinal drug.

Alholva works with the Malaysian Miracle Root to increase the overall testosterone in your body, which makes the root even more effective. (21)

Urtica Dioica use has been dated back to 5,000 years and has a long history of use as a medicinal herb for a wide array of disorders.
What’s special about Urtica Dioica is that it works to increase your "Free" testosterone levels. (22)(23)
Giving you more available testosterone for your body to work with and to enhance your abilities in the bedroom.

The testosterone maximizing effect provided by these two herbs make sure that your body has high levels of available testosterone.

Which allows more natural erections to occur…

And gives you back your youthful sex drive.

That’s why when Pasak Bumi is paired with this blend, it nearly doubles the effectiveness.

But that’s not all…

Wait until you see the final blend Dr. Weston discovered…
Blend #3: L-citrulline + Barrenwort
“Animalistic Erections & Sex Drive”
This final blend gives your body the important nutrients it needs to combat low libido and problems in bed.

See, while increasing the natural testosterone with the first two blends will solve most of your bedroom problems…

Your body still needs essential nutrient building blocks to have the foundation it needs to sustain high sex drive and bigger erections…

That’s why Dr. Weston included L-citrulline and Barrenwort.

L-citrulline is a natural amino acid found in the body. (24)
In a study with male patients in their 50’s, L-citrulline was given to them for a month.
And by the end of that study, all patients reported that they ALL had harder erections. (25)

Barrenwort also works hand in hand with L-citrulline by enhancing these effects even further. (26)

However, where Barrenwort really shines is in boosting sex drive.

Barrenwort has been used for the treatment of low sex drive in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years.

It’s been proven time and time again to get men back to performing like their young selves.
And in animal studies, it’s also been found to have a therapeutic effect by restoring critical reproductive hormones. (27)

As a cherry on top, it also works hand-in-hand with the Malaysian Miracle Root to help reactivate the hypothalamus function… (28)

Giving you everything you need to restore your performance in the bedroom.

Not only can these blends restore a fiery passion in the bedroom…

They go to the root of your problems mentally and physically to get you back to feeling like your youthful self again.
But finding scientific studies to support these ingredients is one thing. Whether or not they help to improve the performance of men in real life is another matter.

So to put Dr. Weston’s triple blend formula to the test…
We contacted more of my wife’s friends who had problems in the bedroom… and asked them to give it a try.

The results were more incredible than I imagined…

By the end of the first few days…

Most of the guys were having natural, rock-hard erections again and after just a few weeks…

All the tension and divide that these couples had…

Miraculously dissipated…

The women and the men were much happier because of this new formula.

And this happiness streamed down to their lives outside the bedroom.

Here are a few case studies…
Case Study #1:
New Bull In Town
Jason Bullard is 54 and a newly single man.

After facing a divorce, he went back into the dating scene.

He soon met and fell in love with a woman who was
about 35 years old…

But soon realized while he was in the bedroom with her
that no matter what he tried, he couldn’t get it up.

It went like this for weeks…

And Jason was afraid that he might lose his woman to a
younger man.
Jason Bullard is 54 and a newly single man.
After facing a divorce, he went back into the dating scene.

He soon met and fell in love with a woman who was about 35 years old…

But soon realized while he was in the bedroom with her that no matter what he tried, he couldn’t get it up.

It went like this for weeks…

And Jason was afraid that he might lose his woman to a younger man.
Luckily we caught him at the right time.

After taking Dr. Weston’s new formula, his erections were a lot harder…

He even managed to make her orgasm TWICE in one night.

Jason was so good that his new young flame could barely keep up with him.

She even told him that he was BETTER than a man younger than him by 30 years!
Case Study #2:
Resparked A 30-Year Marriage
Kristina Sherman has been in a 32-year-long marriage with her husband.

Once upon a time, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

But now, both of them are around 60 years old…
So they thought their nights of hot, steamy romance were over.

In fact, the most intimacy they had in months was a little peck on the cheek.

But when we told Kristina about this new formula…

She immediately wanted to try it.
After just a few days of her husband taking this new formula…

They reported having “the best night ever”.

Her husband has even reported that he’s performing like his 28-year-old self again!
Case Study #3:
Satisfying A Younger Wife
Lou Minton is 52 years old.

His wife is about 15 years younger than him.

And although he’s never had a problem with erections or stamina before…

Once he entered his 50s, he found it more and more difficult to keep up with his wife.

In fact, his wife kept complaining to her girlfriends and teased Lou constantly, calling him an “old man”.

But after Lou tried Dr. Weston’s new formula…

His wife was left speechless.

Lou had a “huge difference in the firmness of his erections”.

And he had a better sex drive than his younger wife!
These are just a handful of case studies we get on a daily basis.
We get stories that pour in through the phone lines every single day.

So if you’d like to experience the same results, then listen up.

Because this will change your sex life forever…

After proving the efficacy of our formula, both Dr. Weston and I decided it was our duty to get it into the hands of as many men as possible.

But we faced a problem, the ingredients are all rare and hard to obtain.

You’re not going to find them in GNC or any average supplements store.

And combining them in the exact amounts needed would be too costly and complex for most people to manage.

We had to find an easier way.

So you know what we did?

Something extreme.

We first contacted a manufacturer with the latest state-of-the-art formulation technology…

Who could combine ALL the ingredients into a SINGLE easily digestible capsule.

A capsule that’s possibly the world’s most powerful libido & erection enhancing formula ever created.

And a capsule with the potential to transform not just a man’s performance, but also their self esteem and pride.

We then created our own supplement company: Olympus Premium Health…

A company focused on providing men with formulas to perform like the strong, virulent Herculean man they feel inside.

And after months of refinement and testing, our first world leading formula is now ready to share with the world…

The power of the Malaysian Miracle Root accelerated by the strength of nutrient synergy
HimEROS is the formula that turns the clock back for men.
Low sex drive…
It puts an end to the limp erections…
And embarrassment in the bedroom.
HimEROS is the formula that turns the clock back for men.
It puts an end to the limp erections…
Low sex drive…
And embarrassment in the bedroom.
Once you start taking HimEROS and the powerful nutrients go to work…
Your testosterone levels will naturally boost…

You’ll have cleaner, more sustained energy…

Stronger, bigger erections and an animalistic sex drive.
It’s all because HimEROS handles the issue at the source - the Hypothalamus…
Reversing the downward spiral of low testosterone in a way that was once assumed medically

And for the first time, these thousand-year-old natural ingredients are synergized with the power
of modern science…

When taken daily, HimEROS helps you turn back the hands of time…
A time when you could walk into a room and women could FEEL your presence…
A time when you could go multiple times a night without stopping.
A time when you could make her go crazy for you and ONLY you…
Simply choose your package by choosing the “Add To Cart” button below now to get into your sexual prime.

HimEROS is the world’s most revolutionary formulation for erectile function, and the most effective way to re-spark the man inside you...

And it’s GUARANTEED to work even if other supplements, therapy and artificial treatments haven’t worked for you before.
High Grade Ingredients Combined with Advanced Manufacturing
HimEROS is the only supplement that includes all three of Dr. Weston’s testosterone promoting blends in a single capsule.

It also includes only ingredients from the purest, most potent sources available.

And due to the rare and exotic nature of these ingredients…

They have to be combined in a specialist manufacturing facility.

It’s a facility based here in the USA, registered with the FDA, and certified as following Good Manufacturing Practices.

So you can be rest assured that every capsule is high purity and high potency…

And contains ONLY the highest quality ingredients…

And ONLY ingredients listed on the label.

At this point, you’re probably wondering…

“How can I get my hands on HimEROS formula and start feeling dominant in the bedroom again?”
Honestly, I wish there was an easier way for men to access this revolutionary formula.
Millions of good men are on the verge of divorce because they just don’t have these natural nutrient blends.

But here’s the problem…


Every bottle of HimEROS needs to be perfectly made in our state-of-the-art facility…

And kept fresh through a special, proprietary encapsulation process to create perfect nutrient synergy.

On top of that, Dr. Weston has only sourced the most high-quality ingredients because that is what produces the best results for men.

And because of that…
Dr. Weston only works with the one facility in the world that meets the surgical, exacting standards that we need…

The only problem with this is that it’s a boutique facility and can only process so many bottles at one time.

We don’t want good men like you to be left out just because you don’t have this part of your life handled…

This is why in the next few moments, I’ll share how you can get your hands on a brand new bottle of HimEROS to try risk-free as part of our new Pilot Program.

But first, let me answer the most common question I get from potential HimEROS customers…
When can I expect results from HimEROS?
While most users will experience changes downstairs in just minutes after taking their very first dose…

To get the maximum results, you want to take HimEROS for 6 months.

That will give your body the time and nutrients it needs not only to significantly make changes…

But also REVERSE the testosterone decline caused by your hypothalamus being switched off.
While most users will experience changes downstairs in just minutes after taking their very first dose…

To get the maximum results, you want to take HimEROS for 6 months.

That will give your body the time and nutrients it needs not only to significantly make changes…

But also REVERSE the testosterone decline caused by your hypothalamus being switched off.
And since Dr. Weston wanted to get this revolutionary formulation into the hands of as many men as possible, HimEROS only costs a few pennies per day (more on that in a second).

Thousands of men have already witnessed the power of Pasak Bumi, and today, this is your golden opportunity to
join them.

Just select 1, 3, or 6 bottles by clicking the button below to get started (Dr. Weston highly recommends the 6-bottle formula, which is also the best value!)

The good news is if you are reading this right now, we have stock available in reserve for you.

All you have to do is click the “Add To Cart” button below and choose your HimEROS package.
(Obviously, we recommend 6 bottles for the biggest savings.)
And if you decide to take action right now and say “YES” to HimEROS, the world’s only formulation that finally reverses the effects of testosterone decline…
You’ll get HimEROS for just $69.00 per bottle as part of our preferred customer program. (A $30 saving off the regular retail price)

But it gets even better.

Because we want to reach the men who need this most, we’ve found ways to cut prices even more.

So if you purchase 3 or 6 bottles today, you will get each bottle at a heavily discounted rate.

If you order 3 bottles, you’ll get that for $49.00 a bottle. ($150 off the regular retail price.)

And if you order 6 bottles, you only pay $39.00 a bottle. (A whopping $360 off the regular retail price!)

That's only $1 per day for a 6-month supply of this incredible libido formula.
1-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $99 $69
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
6-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $594 $234
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
3-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $297 $147
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
So why are we doing this?

Simple: our vision has always been to get this formula in the hands of men who need it the most.

Because while a single bottle is a great way to try HimEROS out…

The biggest benefits and savings come from the 6 bottle package.

In fact, most people are investing in the 6 bottle package for three key reasons:

1. The benefits of HimEROS’ build over time.

Put simply, the longer you take it for the bigger the benefits.

Because the longer you take it for the more time there is for its triple blend formula to promote the production and flow of testosterone…

And the bigger the benefits for your sense of dominance, manly drive, and fiery desire in the bedroom.

In fact, all the studies Dr. Weston analyzed all show that the biggest benefits come from at least 6 months of use.

So for the best results, lots of people are investing in the 6 bottle package.

2. Supply chains are still in a mess, and inflation continues to run rampant across the globe.

Any one of the ingredients in HimEROS (which are already rare and hard to obtain) could become scarce at any time.

And should any of our suppliers increase their costs, it means the cost of HimEROS would have to rise too.

This could be anywhere from 10 to 50% in the next 6 months.

Whereas when you invest in the 6 bottle package today you can stay stocked up for 6 months at today’s rock bottom price.

3. We want to encourage you to make HimEROS a daily habit for sustaining peak testosterone and masculine health levels.

HimEROS is formulated to be a daily part of your health regimen.

For this reason, we offer a generous discount on the 6 bottle package…

Which saves you as much as $360 off the normal retail price.

So for these three reasons alone, I hope you see why investing in 6 bottles is the best choice for your testosterone levels, self confidence and wallet.

To get started on your path towards turbocharging your manly dominance and drive…

Simply click the button below that says “Add To Cart” and order your supply of HimEROS right now.
Your payment will be processed through the most advanced military-grade 256-bit SSL technology to ensure your information is safe and secure.

Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days, I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using HimEROS every day.

I’m confident that you’ll feel the difference HimEROS makes right away…

And after you’ve taken HimEROS for a few months, you’ll never want to go another day without this breakthrough.
So, you’ve seen the science…

You’ve seen the studies…

And you’ve heard from everyday folks who have turned their lives around, all thanks to HimEROS.
To sum up what you’re getting with the 6-bottle best deal today…
It includes:
6 bottles of HimEROS at $360 off the regular price.
FREE Shipping. (A $30 Value)
Priority Customer Support.
When you get six bottles, you can contact us at any time and skip to the front of the line.

If there are any questions you have as you go on this difficult and oftentimes lonely journey, we will keep our phone lines open for you 24/7.

(Yes, that includes nights, weekends, and holidays)
But this special 6-bottle deal Is ONLY available while supplies of HimEROS are in stock…

This means it doesn't matter if you’re going to order 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or 6 bottles…

You must click the button below to place your order
right away.

And if you do decide to order, act quick…
Because many in big medicine HATE what Dr. Weston is doing…
They planned on making billions of dollars off men as we age, and they see HimEROS as a threat that could take away their profits from erection pills.

That’s why Big Pharma works tirelessly to down HimEROS forever.

So if you come back tomorrow…

Or even in a couple of hours…

I can’t guarantee this website will still be here, or that you won’t miss out on this breakthrough solution.
So click the “Add To Cart” button below right now and get your order of HimEROS (while supplies last!)
You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The incredible studies proving that the ingredients in HimEROS can restore your sex life.

The fact that men all over the world are using HimEROS to get their mojo back…

And the years of research Dr. Weston painstakingly invested into this groundbreaking formula.

Or you can seize your opportunity to join thousands of men just like you who are living their best lives.

If you choose not to take action today, there are no hard feelings, and I wish you all the best.

But just think about what life will be like in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Imagine the next time you have sex with your woman…

Will you be happy knowing that she’s satisfied?

Or will you be worried that she’s looking for satisfaction somewhere else?
You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The incredible studies proving that the ingredients in HimEROS can restore your sex life.

The fact that men all over the world are using HimEROS to get their mojo back…

And the years of research Dr. Weston painstakingly invested into this groundbreaking formula.

Or you can seize your opportunity to join thousands of men just like you who are living their best lives.

If you choose not to take action today, there are no hard feelings, and I wish you all the best.

But just think about what life will be like in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Imagine the next time you have sex with your woman…

Will you be happy knowing that she’s satisfied?

Or will you be worried that she’s looking for satisfaction somewhere else?
1-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $99 $69
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
6-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $594 $234
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
3-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $297 $147
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
And in that moment, won’t you think back to when you had this chance to claim your very own supply of HimEROS at huge savings while there were supplies in stock…
And feel just a bit of regret that you didn’t try this sex-restoring breakthrough risk-free today?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…

Which is to say “YES” to HimEROS right now…

Click the “Add To Cart” button and claim your supply of this innovative breakthrough while it is available to the public and while we have bottles on hand.
And feel just a bit of regret that you didn’t try this sex-restoring breakthrough risk-free today?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…

Which is to say “YES” to HimEROS right now…

Click the “Add To Cart” button and claim your supply of this innovative breakthrough while it is available to the public and while we have bottles
on hand.
As you know by now, HimEROS is not JUST an all-natural libido or erection enhancing formula.
It’s not JUST a blend of the world’s most powerful, natural libido-boosting ingredients.

It’s not JUST a cutting edge natural testosterone treatment decades ahead of its time.

It’s ultimately freedom.

Freedom from the testosterone downward spiral that
happens as you age…

Freedom from addictive pills and side effects…

Freedom from feeling hopeless as a man.

At this point, if you’ve learned just one thing from my story…

I hope it’s this.
Simply click the button below that says “Add To Cart” and order your supply of HimEROS right now.

Your payment will be processed through the most advanced military-grade 256-bit SSL technology to ensure your information is safe and secure.

Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days, I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using HimEROS every day.

I’m confident that you’ll feel the difference HimEROS makes right away…
Your age does not define your sex life.
I hope you will join us by ordering your supply of HimEROS today.

Once you’re ready, just click on “Add To Cart” below, and choose the best option for you.

Dr. Weston recommends our most popular six-bottle package for optimal results, which also comes with the biggest savings.

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form with military-grade 256-bit SSL technology, where you can take 30 seconds to securely enter your credit card information.
I hope you will join us by ordering your supply of HimEROS today.

Once you’re ready, just click on “Add To Cart” below, and choose the best option for you.

Dr. Weston recommends our most popular six-bottle package for optimal results, which also comes with the biggest savings.

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form with military-grade 256-bit SSL technology, where you can take 30 seconds to securely enter your credit card information.
And then we’ll get your bottles of HimEROS to you via First Class shipping within 1-3 business days.
This was possibly the world’s most powerful libido & erection enhancing formula
Again, there’s absolutely zero risk.

You only stand to gain.

Because I want to remove ALL the risk in you giving HimEROS a try.

As the only way to appreciate how much it can rev up your libido… reignite your desire… and rocket your performance in bed is to try it for yourself.
But if, for any reason, you don’t experience a boost from HimEROS…

If you don’t absolutely love the effects, you get with HimEROS…

Heck, even if you just don’t like the color of the bottle…

Then you don’t pay a dime.

Simply call or email my U.S.-based customer service team, and we’ll refund your credit card within 24 hours (minus shipping).

No questions asked.

It’s that easy.

We are able to offer such a bold guarantee because we’re confident you will be blown away by what your love life feels like using HimEROs.

So the only question you have to ask yourself is…
What is reclaiming your confidence and your manhood worth to you?
What is having your youthful body worth to you?

What is having the ability to satisfy your woman at any time worth to you?

You and I both know the answer.

It’s priceless.

There’s an order button below.

Hit the button and fill out the form on the next page.
It’s time to end this cycle of misery.
Is there any reason not to?
What will it take?
Will you wait until she cheats on you?
Will you wait until your marriage crumbles before your very eyes?
Ask yourself…

If there’s even a 1% chance that this could prevent that...

Wouldn’t it be worth it?

And look, I’m not asking you to do anything.

I'm just asking you to try.
If you don’t get rid of the debilitating symptoms of your libido with HimEROS, you don’t pay.
Click the button below and reclaim your manhood.

You have nothing to lose and years of great sex to gain.

So go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button below…

And let the best sex of your life begin.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today and we
look forward to hearing about your success
using HimEROS.

David Morgan & Dr. Weston
Click the button below and reclaim your manhood.

You have nothing to lose and years of great sex to gain.

So go ahead and click the “Add To Cart” button below…

And let the best sex of your life begin.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today and we look forward to hearing about your success using HimEROS.

David Morgan & Dr. Weston
I want to take a second to answer some of the most common questions when I first introduce men to HimEROS.

At the end of the day, it’s your choice.

So I want you to feel 100% confident and comfortable with your decision.
Is HimEROS right for me?
I always answer this with a question.

Do you have libido or problems in bed symptoms that prevent you from enjoying sex?

If you said “yes” then you need to click on the “Add To Cart” button right now.

Because it took painstaking clinical trials, millions of dollars in research, and the greatest minds in order for HimEROS to be available to you today.

There’s a VERY good chance HimEROS will work for you and give you the youthful sex drive and erections you once remembered.

At first, I had my own doubts of course.

I knew that even if there was a 1% chance that I could cure my libido once and for all instead of spending thousands of dollars on risky treatments, I would take it.

Besides, I knew that if I was wrong, I would lose nothing but a few seconds of my time.

However, if I was right, I would be able to live feeling like a man again.

I am grateful every day that I took that chance.

And I hope you will join me by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.
Won't my bedroom problems start again if I stop taking HimEROS?
In most cases, NO, it does not.

Unlike other solutions like Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), HimEROS will not keep you on a hamster wheel of Big Pharma dependency.

HimEROS is one of the only formulas in the world that could provide a safe alternative to increase your testosterone levels.

Chances are, after your initial six-month course is complete, you may not even need to take any more.

The only reason customers come back and buy more HimEROS is because they want to continue nourishing their bodies with all the powerful nutrients inside.

So they continue to take it long after they’ve gotten their mojo back.
Is it recommended by doctors?
Well, not only is it formulated by an award-winning doctor who has seen every case of low libido and problems in bed imaginable…

We often get anonymous emails and calls every week from other doctors who say this has changed the love lives of their patients forever.

Most of these doctors are grateful that there’s finally a treatment for guys who went years or even decades suffering in this area.

But from time to time, we also receive angry calls from doctors.

Because once they recommend HimEROS to their male patients, they no longer see those patients back at their office again!
Does HimEROS fix the symptoms of libido?
For thousands of our customers and hundreds of case studies we’ve witnessed in person…

HimEROS has restored natural sex drive and harder erections for men.

Making HimEROS one of the most powerful, fast-acting natural libido & erection enhancing solutions on the market.

And that’s because unlike most traditional solutions…

HimEROS has been proven to solve problems with erections and sex drive at the source so that you can experience more youthful hot nights for years to come.

While ALSO addressing all the external and mental factors that may be keeping you from performing at
your best.
Are there any side effects?
The only “side effect” you may experience is having a sexually satisfied woman.

We have not heard of a single negative side effect after having tens of thousands of men taking it.

Because unlike over-the-counter drugs or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which include scary effects
like stroke, depression, and even male infertility…

HimEROS is made with no artificial additives…

Not even allergens like gluten or soy.

Only 100% pure, all-natural, salt-of-the-earth ingredients from the highest quality sources.

That said, while none of our many customers have reported any negative side effects from HimEROS, we still encourage you to talk to your doctor if you're unsure whether HimEROS is right for you.

And don’t forget, if your doctor says it’s not okay or you don’t get the results you want, you always have the option of sending it back for a full refund.
What if HimEROS doesn’t work for me?
Do you have any kind of money-back guarantee?
Every single bottle of HimEROS comes with our personal 180-day, Full Money Back Guarantee.

Granted, we receive letters every day from men thanking us and saying things like:

“I finally found a way to keep it up without viagra…”

“My wife is happier than she’s ever been…”

“If it wasn’t for HimEROS, I wouldn’t be having any sex at all…”

We also know that no two bodies are the same, and there could be at least one man out there this won’t work for.

So if HimEROS doesn't work for you, we strongly encourage you to contact us and let us know so we can arrange a hassle-free, full refund of every cent you paid (less shipping and handling…)

Even if the bottle is empty!
What’s inside HimEROS?
HimEROS contains the powerful Malaysian Miracle Root and the 2 blends that go hand in hand with it.

Each ingredient is meticulously derived from the highest quality sources because we have a ZERO tolerance policy for anything synthetic or low quality.

In addition, we’ve included each ingredient inside HimEROS at clinically supported dosages to give you the best results possible.

This is incredibly important because reports show that having too much or too little of these ingredients may be less beneficial and do not accomplish our unique “nutrient synergy.”

Here are all the blends in HimEROS.

Blend #1 - Pasak Bumi - The "Malaysian Miracle Root" that reactivates your HPG Axis to produce natural, youthful testosterone.
Blend #2 - Alholva + Urtica Dioica - These "Testosterone Maximizers" double down the effects of Pasak Bumi by freeing up more usable testosterone in the body.
Blend #3 - L-citrulline + Barrenwort - This blend supplies the body with essential nutrients necessary to keep strong, firm erections and high sex drive.
When should I take HimEROS for best results?
To be fully transparent, this is the last thing you have to be worried about.

HimEROS was designed to take only 10 seconds out of your busy day to give your body and brain the nutrients it needs to restore your sex drive & erections.

So whether you take it first thing in the morning when you wake up or at night before going to bed…

You’ll get the full “clinical-dose” benefits of each nutrient inside it.

That said, if you miss a dose, it's no big deal - just resume taking it as normal to get right back on track.
Is HimEROS right for me?
I always answer this with a question.

Do you have libido or problems in bed symptoms that prevent you from enjoying sex?

If you said “yes” then you need to click on the “Add To Cart” button right now.

Because it took painstaking clinical trials, millions of dollars in research, and the greatest minds in order for HimEROS to be available to you today.

There’s a VERY good chance HimEROS will work for you and give you the youthful sex drive and erections you once remembered.

At first, I had my own doubts of course.

I knew that even if there was a 1% chance that I could cure my libido once and for all instead of spending thousands of dollars on risky treatments, I would take it.

Besides, I knew that if I was wrong, I would lose nothing but a few seconds of my time.

However, if I was right, I would be able to live feeling like a man again.

I am grateful every day that I took that chance.

And I hope you will join me by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.
Won't my bedroom problems start again if I stop taking HimEROS?
In most cases, NO, it does not.

Unlike other solutions like Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), HimEROS will not keep you on a hamster wheel of Big Pharma dependency.

HimEROS is one of the only formulas in the world that could provide a safe alternative to increase your testosterone levels.

Chances are, after your initial six-month course is complete, you may not even need to take any more.

The only reason customers come back and buy more HimEROS is because they want to continue nourishing their bodies with all the powerful nutrients inside.

So they continue to take it long after they’ve gotten their mojo back.
Is it recommended by doctors?
Well, not only is it formulated by an award-winning doctor who has seen every case of low libido and problems in bed imaginable…

We often get anonymous emails and calls every week from other doctors who say this has changed the love lives of their patients forever.

Most of these doctors are grateful that there’s finally a treatment for guys who went years or even decades suffering in this area.

But from time to time, we also receive angry calls from doctors.

Because once they recommend HimEROS to their male patients, they no longer see those patients back at their office again!
Does HimEROS fix the symptoms of libido?
For thousands of our customers and hundreds of case studies we’ve witnessed in person…

HimEROS has restored natural sex drive and harder erections for men.

Making HimEROS one of the most powerful, fast-acting natural libido & erection enhancing solutions on the market.

And that’s because unlike most traditional solutions…

HimEROS has been proven to solve problems with erections and sex drive at the source so that you can experience more youthful hot nights for years to come.

While ALSO addressing all the external and mental factors that may be keeping you from performing at
your best.
Are there any side effects?
The only “side effect” you may experience is having a sexually satisfied woman.

We have not heard of a single negative side effect after having tens of thousands of men taking it.

Because unlike over-the-counter drugs or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which include scary effects
like stroke, depression, and even male infertility…

HimEROS is made with no artificial additives…

Not even allergens like gluten or soy.

Only 100% pure, all-natural, salt-of-the-earth ingredients from the highest quality sources.

That said, while none of our many customers have reported any negative side effects from HimEROS, we still encourage you to talk to your doctor if you're unsure whether HimEROS is right for you.

And don’t forget, if your doctor says it’s not okay or you don’t get the results you want, you always have the option of sending it back for a full refund.
What if HimEROS doesn’t work for me? Do you have any kind of money-back guarantee?
Every single bottle of HimEROS comes with our personal 180-day, Full Money Back Guarantee.

Granted, we receive letters every day from men thanking us and saying things like:

“I finally found a way to keep it up without viagra…”

“My wife is happier than she’s ever been…”

“If it wasn’t for HimEROS, I wouldn’t be having any sex at all…”

We also know that no two bodies are the same, and there could be at least one man out there this won’t work for.

So if HimEROS doesn't work for you, we strongly encourage you to contact us and let us know so we can arrange a hassle-free, full refund of every cent you paid (less shipping and handling…)

Even if the bottle is empty!
What’s inside HimEROS?
HimEROS contains the powerful Malaysian Miracle Root and the 2 blends that go hand in hand with it.

Each ingredient is meticulously derived from the highest quality sources because we have a ZERO tolerance policy for anything synthetic or low quality.

In addition, we’ve included each ingredient inside HimEROS at clinically supported dosages to give you the best results possible.

This is incredibly important because reports show that having too much or too little of these ingredients may be less beneficial and do not accomplish our unique “nutrient synergy.”

Here are all the blends in HimEROS.

Blend #1 - Pasak Bumi - The "Malaysian Miracle Root" that reactivates your HPG Axis to produce natural, youthful testosterone.
Blend #2 - Alholva + Urtica Dioica - These "Testosterone Maximizers" double down the effects of Pasak Bumi by freeing up more usable testosterone in the body.
Blend #3 - L-citrulline + Barrenwort - This blend supplies the body with essential nutrients necessary to keep strong, firm erections and high sex drive.
When should I take HimEROS for best results?
To be fully transparent, this is the last thing you have to be worried about.

HimEROS was designed to take only 10 seconds out of your busy day to give your body and brain the nutrients it needs to restore your sex drive & erections.

So whether you take it first thing in the morning when you wake up or at night before going to bed…

You’ll get the full “clinical-dose” benefits of each nutrient inside it.

That said, if you miss a dose, it's no big deal - just resume taking it as normal to get right back on track.
1-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $99 $69
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
6-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $594 $234
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
3-Month Supply
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $297 $147
+$9.99 U.S.A. Shipping
1. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/testosterone-and-the-heart
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4422337/
3. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090118200636.htm
4. https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/ehp.0800134
5. https://www.unep.org/interactives/beat-plastic-pollution/
6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3299092
7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26075536/
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